Cheat Sheets

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Cheat Sheets & Algorithms

Over 80 cheat sheets for Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Development and associated Project Management. The table is searchable. 

Title Discipline Creator
Python 3.8 Cheat Sheet Python Tutorial 24/7
SQL Server Integration Server SSIS, SQL Server Intellipaat
OpenCV CheatSheet – All  you want to know OpenCV, Python Analytics Vidhya
OpenCV 2.1 Cheat Sheet (C++) OpenCV, C++, Computer Vision OverAPI
OpenCV for Python Computer Vision, OpenCV, Python Github
Keras Cheat Sheet Python, Keras DataCamp
Octave Forge Octave SourceForge
Octave Cheat Sheet Octave Huy Hoang-Nguyen
Swift 5.1 Cheat Sheet Swift 5.1 Ray Wenderlich
ReactJS Cheat Sheet ReactJS GitHub Contributors
Power BI Visuals  Reference Power BI SQLBI
Scala Cheat Sheet Scala Codecentric
MATLAB Fundamentals – Tools Course MATLAB ETH Zurich, by Res Johr
Data wrangling with Dataframes.jl Julia, dataframes, data wrangling Tom Kwong

Julia Programming Cheat Sheet

Julia Nasser Abbasi
Julia & IJulia Cheat-sheet Julia, IJulia MIT
Fast Track to Julia Julia GitHub
Excel Cheat Sheet Excel TheOnTheNet
Hive Cheat Sheet – Hive Basics Hive IntelliPaat
SQL Cheat Sheet SQL SQL
Machine Learning Algorithms  Machine Learning, Python, R, Algorithms Analytics Vidhya
Machine Learning Algorithms Cheat Sheet Machine Learning, Algorithms SAS
Probability Cheat Sheet probability, distribution, statistics William Chen & Joe Blitzstein
Data Science Cheat Sheet Data Science Maverick Lin
Trigonometry Cheat Sheet Trigonometry Paul Dawkins
Linear Algebra Explained in 4 Pages Linear Algebra Ivan Savov
Data Transformation with dplyr Data Transformation, dplyr R Studio
Machine Learning Cheat Sheet Machine Learning SAS
Data Science Cheat Sheet Data Science, Statistics Maverick Lin
Cassandra CQL Cheat Sheet Apache Cassandra, NoSQL edendekker
Pyspark Cheat Sheet Pyspark, Python, Spark, Apache Eureka
Django DRF Cheat Sheet Python, Django Charles Thayer
Machine Learning with KNIME Machine Learning, KNIME KNIME
Building a KNIME Workflow Cheat Sheet Machine Learning, KNIME KNIME
Linux Commands Cheat Sheet Linux LinOxide
JVM Internals Cheat Sheet Part 2 Java, JVM Extreme Automation
JVM Internals Cheat Sheet Part 1 Java, JVM Extreme Automation
Java 8 w/ Lambda Cheat Sheet Java, Lambda Extreme Automation
Java Programming Cheat Sheet Java Princeton University
Hive Hortonworks Cheat Sheet Hive Hortonworks
Data Transformation with Stata Cheat Sheet Strata Dr. Tim Essam and Dr. Laura Hughes
Programming with Stata Cheat Sheet Strata Dr. Tim Essam and Dr. Laura Hughes
Plotting in Stata Cheat Sheet Strata Dr. Tim Essam and Dr. Laura Hughes
Data Visualization with Strata Cheat Sheet Strata Dr. Tim Essam and Dr. Laura Hughes
Data Analysis with Strata Cheat Sheet Strata  Dr. Tim Essam and Dr. Laura Hughes
Apache Solr Cheat Sheet Apache Solr Sematext
Docker Cheat Sheet Docker Docker
Scala Cheat Sheet Scala Scala
Neural Network Graphs Neural Networks The Asimov Institute
Python Cheat Sheet for NumPy Python Datacamp
Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet Jupyter Notebook Edureka
Data Wrangling with dplyr and tidyr R R Studio
Python Cheat Sheet for Matplotlib Python Datacamp

Python Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet

Python Eureka
TensorFlow v2.0 Cheat Sheet TensorFlow Altoros Research

Kubernetes kubectl CLI Cheat Sheet


Altoros Research

Core Java Cheat Sheet Java Simran Aurora
PMBOK Guide 6th Edition Project Management PMI
Data Wrangling with Pandas Pandas Pandas and Irv Lustig
Neural Networks Cheat Sheet Neural Networks The Asimov Institute
Scala Cheat Sheet Scala Crossing Tech
SAS Cheat Sheet SAS SAS Institute
JavaScript Cheat Sheet JavaScript CodeMio
Powershell Cheat Sheet Powershell Comparitech
Matlab Cheat Sheet Matlab Astra

Python with R and Reticulate Cheat Sheet

Python, R R Studio
Cloud Services Cheat Sheet Cloud Bas Van Kaam
Hadoop Cheat Sheet Hadoop Intellipaat
Network Programming with Perl Cheat Sheet Perl Comparitech
MySQL Cheat Sheet MySQL Comparitech
Power BI Cheat Sheet Power BI Macaw
Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet Python Eric Matthes
Tableau Cheat Sheet 2020 Tableau Raphael Teufel at Interworks
Google Cloud Developer’s Cheat Sheet Google Cloud Greg Wilson
MicrosoftML:Algorithm Cheatsheet for R/Python R Programming, Python Microsoft
Spacial Manipulation in R with sf R Programming Edzer Pebesma
Python for Data Science Python DataCamp
Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Jason Brownlee, Machine Learning Mastery
Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet Machine Learning Microsoft
Azure Cosmos DB Cheat Sheet Azure Cosmos DB Microsoft
Control and Orchestration with KNIME  Machine Learning, KNIME KNIME
Hadoop and MapReduce Cheat Sheet Hadoop, MapReduce Intellipaat